
From an early age, Beethoven had hearing problems, which deteriorated later in life. In 1802, when his deafness was increasing, he suffered a huge depression until his last days. Beethoven had serious learning disabilities. Even as an adult, he couldn't multiply or divide simple sums. If he had to figure out 12 x 2, for example
Other LD Legends
Isaac Newton
English mathematician, physicist and alchemist -
Bill Gates
The owner of Microsift -
George Washington
President of US from 1789 to 1797 -
Mark Twain
American writer and humorist -
Louis Pasteur
French chemist and microbiologist
BioLEX, Biology, Learning, Environment and Experiences is an online platform that informs parents, students, teachers and schools about neurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs), and provides assessments and treatments for children who have NDDs.
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